Don’t Miss These Tax Deadlines: Insights from Vaughan Accountants

Don’t Miss These Tax Deadlines: Insights from Vaughan Accountants

Let’s be real—tax deadlines can sneak up on you like a cat pouncing on an unsuspecting mouse. And if you’re not careful, missing them could lead to penalties that sting harder than a bee. But don’t fret! The accountants Vaughan are here to help guide you through the maze of dates and forms.

First off, let’s talk about personal income tax returns. April 30th is etched in stone for most Canadians. It’s the day when your T4s and receipts need to make their grand entrance at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). If you’re self-employed, lucky you—you get until June 15th. But hold your horses; any taxes owed still have to be paid by April 30th or interest will start racking up faster than late fees on an overdue library book.

For those running small businesses or corporations, there’s more paperwork involved than just jotting down numbers on a napkin during lunch breaks. Corporate tax returns generally must be filed within six months after the end of your fiscal year. However, paying any due taxes happens two months post-fiscal year-end for most companies unless you’re considered a Canadian-controlled private corporation (CCPC), which gives you three months instead.

GST/HST filings? They vary based on how much revenue you’re pulling in and whether you’ve opted for monthly, quarterly, or annual reporting periods. Forgetting these deadlines is akin to leaving milk out overnight—it sours quickly!

Let’s sprinkle some fun into this dry topic with RRSP contributions! You’ve got until March 1st each year to contribute towards last year’s limit and snag those sweet deductions come tax time.

If you’re someone who employs others—or even yourself—payroll remittances are another date trap waiting to ensnare the unwary employer. Monthly remitters typically need their submissions in by the 15th of each month following payroll disbursement.

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